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How to Keep Your Orthotics Clean and Fresh

Let's be honest. Your inserts and orthotics spend all of their time in your shoes. So, just like your shoes, orthotics can start to smell over time if you don't take a few steps to keep them fresh.

The good news?

It’s super easy to keep them smelling fresh and squeaky clean!

Quick Refresher

If your orthotics just need a little freshening up, this is a no-fuss, quick fix. Simply put them into a Ziploc bag and place them in your freezer overnight. The freezing temperatures will kill most bacteria behind those funky smells. Bonus: those nice, cold orthotics feel great on tired or achy feet!

Cleaning Your Orthotics

Occasionally, it's a good idea to give your orthotics and inserts a proper cleaning. Simply use a mild soap or detergent and a soft cloth or sponge to wipe them down. Make sure you let them air dry thoroughly, usually overnight, before placing them back into your shoes.

Daily Fresh Tip

It's always best to wear socks with your orthotics. This helps to reduce moisture and lessens the chance of odors.

Get Your Orthotics Refurbished

If you've had your orthotics for years, sometimes the materials can start to break down, or the top covers can start to come off. If this is the case, then it's probably time to have your orthotics refurbished by a professional. (That's us!) Simply send in your worn out orthotics, and we'll refurbish them with all new materials, including cushioning and top covers. They will look, feel, (and smell), like NEW when we send them back to you! And you can have this done for a fraction of the cost of purchasing new orthotics.

To have your orthotics refurbished, visit our Products page, and select the repair type you would like. We'll email you a pre-paid shipping label. Then, just drop your orthotics in the mail, and you're good to go! You'll get them back like new!

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